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How to reset Axe-Fx III, FM9, or FM3 to a "factory fresh" conditionUpdated a year ago

The following steps will reset your Axe-Fx III, FM9, or FM3 to factory fresh condition. Note that you can use Fractal-Bot to back up any custom presets or cabs before using these steps.

Step 1: Install the latest version of the editor for your product:

• Axe-Fx:

• FM9:

• FM3:

Step 2: Install the latest firmware.

Open the editor, launch Fractal-Bot from the Tools menu, and perform the following steps.

1. Hold Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Win) while selecting your device in Fractal-Bot Fractal-Bot Step 1.

2. A blue prompt will appear. Click it and proceed through the update or updates.

3. Quit Fractal-Bot and Axe-Edit.

Step 3: Reset the Hardware

1. Open SETUP (press HOME and then push knob E)

2. Select the UTILITIES menu using the Nav Down button and then press ENTER to open it.

3. Page to the Reset tab. You will see various options to reset your unit.

4. Select Reset System Parameters, then push knob A followed by ENTER to reset your unit.

5. Nav down to Clear All Presets, , then push knob C followed by ENTER to erase all presets in the unit. 

6. Nav down to Clear All User Cabs, then push knob E followed by ENTER to erase all user cabs in the unit. (If you don't want to clear the user cabs, skip this step.)

7. Press EXIT when finished.

Step 4: Download and Install the latest factory presets

1. Visit the Download page for your product and download the latest Factory Presets file.

• Axe-Fx:

• FM9:

• FM3:

NOTE: On Windows, you need to unzip the downloaded file. Mac OS does this automatically.

2. Open your product's editor, launch Fractal-Bot from the Tools menu, and perform the following steps.

NOTE: Since this will be the first time that your editor is loaded after upgrading your firmware, it may take extra time to start while it reads block definitions.

• In section 2 - CHOOSE A FILE TO SEND, browse to the "All Banks" SysEx file from inside the Factory Presets file that you downloaded. Tip: You can also just drag and drop this file into the BROWSE field.

NOTE: The download also includes several other files. You may ignore these.

• Press Begin and then SEND. Be aware that the new factory presets will be placed in positions 000-383.

When this process completes, quit and re-launch the editor. Your Fractal Audio product and editor software are now fully up to date and factory fresh!

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